Python Online Training Overview
In this Python online training course, students learn to program in Python. The course is aimed at students new to the language who may or may not have experience with other programming languages.
This Python course is taught using Python 3; however, differences between Python 2 and Python 3 are noted.
Objectives Of the Course
- Master the fundamentals of writing Python scripts
- Write Python functions to facilitate code reuse
- Use Python to read and write files
- Make their code robust by handling errors and exceptions properly
- Work with the Python standard library
- Explore Python’s object-oriented features
- Search text using regular expressions
- how to build and package Python modules for reusability
- Experience with Programming Languages C/C++, Java, MATLAB
- Prior knowledge of a scripting languages Perl, UNIX/Linux shells and Object-Oriented concepts is helpful
Who should do the course
- Freshers and Graduates
Course Duration
- 40 Hrs
Python Online Course Content
Introduction to Programming
- The need of Python Programming
- Programs and Translations
- Compile v/s Interpreter
- Script v/s Program
Python is Scripting Language and Programming Language
Installation of Python
Python IDEs
Procedure Oriented / Object-Oriented Programming
Program elements and Structure
- Local variables
- Global variables
- ‘global’ keyword
- Rules of Identities
- Introduction
- Prototype
- Classification of functions
- No arguments and No return values
- With arguments and With return values
- No arguments and With return values
- With arguments and No return values
- Recursion
- Argument type functions
- Default arguments functions
- Required arguments functions
- Keyword arguments functions
- Variable arguments function
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise operators
- Shift operators
Control Statements
- Conditional Control Statements
- if
- if-else
- if-elif-else
- nested-if
- Loop Control Statements
- While
- For
- Nested loops
- Branching Statements
- Break
- Continue
- Pass
- Return
- Exit
Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to OOPs
- Classes
- Objects
- Structure to OOP application
- Contexts of OOP application
- Class level members
- Object level members
- self variable
- Constructor and Initialization of object
Access modifiers
- Private
- Protected
- Public
- Program codes.
- Introduction
- Rules
- Implementation
- Introduction
- Types of Inheritance
- Single inheritance
- Multi-Level inheritance
- Method overriding
- Object initialization using constructor
- Multiple inheritances
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Method overriding in Multi-level inheritance
String handling
- Introduction to Strings
- Indexing and Slicing
- Special operators in String handling
- Old style String formatting
- String library methods
- Quotes and Escape characters in a String representation
- String Immutability
- Logical programs using Strings
- Introduction
- Importance of Modularity programming
- Import keyword
- User defined modules creation
- Function based modules
- Classes based modules
- Connecting modules
- ‘from’ keyword.
Exception Handling
- Introduction
- The need of exception handling
- Getting exceptions
- Default exception handler
- Handling exception
- Try
- Except
- Try with multiple except blocks
- Handling exceptions using Exception class
- Finally, block
- Releasing resources using Finally block
- Raise
- Creating a user exception class.
- Raise exception manually
- The need for using exceptions.
- Exceptions based application
- Introduction
- Multitasking
- Multi-tasking v/s Multithreading
- threading module
- Thread class introduction
- Creating thread
- The life cycle of a thread
- Single-threaded application
- Multi-threaded application
- Sleep() method
- Sleep() v/s run()
- Join() v/s Sleep()
- Multiple custom threads creation
- The execution time of single-threaded application
- The execution time of multi-threaded application
- Synchronization of threads.
Inner classes
- Introduction
- Basic syntax of inner class
- Advantages of Inner classes
- Access class level members of inner classes
- Access object level members of inner classes
- Local inner classes
- Complex inner classes
- Accessing data of inner classes.
Tkinter – GUI
- Introduction
- Types of Layouts
- Create Labels and Display images
- Create Buttons
- Create Events
- StringVar class
- Calculator program using GUI
Regular expressions
- Introduction
- ‘re’ module
- Match()
- Search()
- Findall()
- Split()
- Compile()
- Sub()
- Expressions using operators and symbols
- Split string into characters
- Split string into words
- Mail extraction
- Date extraction
- Mobile number extraction
- Vehicle number extraction
Lambda expressions
Collections Framework
- Introduction to collection of data types
- Importance of Data processing
- DS algorithms introduction
- List
- Create a list
- Adding elements
- Deleting elements
- Pre-defined functionality of List
- Nested List
- Immutability and Mutability of List
- Practice codes.
- Tuples :
- Create tuple
- Difference between List and Tuple
- Add and Delete items.
- Immutability of Tuple
- Practice codes
- Nested tuples
- Sets :
- Create List
- Add and Delete items
- The functionality of Set object
- Frozen set
- Dictionaries :
- Create a dictionary
- Adding elements
- Pre-defined functions of Dict class
- Programs using Collection types.
Garbage collection
- Introduction
- Importance of manual GC
- Self-referenced objects
- ‘gc’ module
- Collect() method
- Threshold function
MySQL Connectivity
- Introduction to Mysql
- Mysql – Python connectivity
- Execute DDL commands
- Execute DRL commands
- Execute DML commands
- Transaction management examples (rollback and commit)
- GUI – Database connectivity
- Introduction
- Reading file char by character
- Reading file line by line
- Modes of files
- Writing into file
- Append data to a file
- Reading CSV file
- Pickling and Un pickling
Nested functions
AT property class
Time module
Calendar module
OS module
- Execute system commands
- Create files and directories
- Create subdirectories
- Remove files and directories
- Renaming files