Ruby on Rails Training Overview
Ruby is an open-source web application and Object Oriented programming languages like PERL and Python. Ruby has a similar syntax for programming languages those are Perl and C++. Ruby is scalable and big programs are easily maintainable. Ruby on Rails the productive web application framework written in Ruby language which provides the knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic, database-driven web application. We provide Ruby on Rails Training by Real-Time Experts with Real-Time Scenarios and support 24*7 Lab Facility.
Rails is Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework which has default structures for the database, Web Service, and Web pages. This Ruby on Rails Training course covers working with Ruby language fundamentals including operators, expressions, decision making, loops, methods, Blocks, Hashes, and Object Oriented.
Objectives of the Course
- Ruby fundamentals
- install and configure Ruby and Rails
- Explore the Model-view-Controller architecture for server-side applications
- Build the data-driven applications with Rails
- AJAX Programming in Rails
- Perform test-driven development of Rails applications
Pre-requisites of the Course
- Basic knowledge of any programming language like Html, Javascript
Who can attend this course
- Anyone with interest in web programming and introductory knowledge of HTML
Ruby on Rails Course Content
- What is Ruby
- Why ruby
- General purpose of ruby
- Brief History of Ruby
- Where does ruby get its ideas
- Ruby Installation with RVM
- Creating a basic script in ruby
- Sample demo of ruby program
RVM(ruby version manager)
- Rvm installation
- Rvm commands
- Rvm Usage
Working in Linux(Ubuntu) Platform
- Basic Linux commands
- File/Directory Permissions
- Changing access rights
- Text Editors used for ROR
Ruby Operators & Ruby Shell
- IRB – Ruby Shell
- Working with Ruby operators and expressions
- Numeric Methods
- Rand and Ranges
- Strings, Escaping, Interpolation
- String methods
- Dates and Times
Ruby Datatypes & Variables
- Ruby Datatypes
- Numbers, Boolean, Strings, Arrays, Hashes, Symbols.
- Types of Variables(Global, Instance, Class, Local, Constant, Pseudo)
- Difference between local & instance variables
- Parallel Assignment
- Variable conditions
Ruby methods and modules
- Basic ruby methods
- Return values from methods, return statements
- Class methods
- Different ways to call methods
- Ruby modules and Mixins
- Ruby require and include statement
- Difference between class and module
OOP in Ruby
- Class
- The initialize method
- The accessor & setter method
- Access Control
- Class Inheritance
- Method Overriding
- Operator Overloading
- Singleton methods
- Metaclass
- Defining Attributes
- Variable types in Ruby
- Super
- Regular Expressions
- Exceptions
Basic loops and iterators
- Conditional operators
- Case Statement
Rails Installation and Ruby gems
- What is Rails
- Full tack Framework
- Rails Strength
- COC(convention over configuration)
- Rails Installation
- Ruby and Rails installation on Linux
- Ruby Gems
- Working with RubyGems
- Gem commands
- Framework Technology
- Rails Components
- How do Rails works in MVC
- MySQL Introduction
- Installation
- Start/Stop MySQL
- Basic Mysql operators
- Creating user and database in MySQL
- Creating a Sample Application with Rails
- Rails Installation
- Folder Structure
- Setup the application
- Rake
RAILS Model, Controller and Views
- What is the controller?
- Architecture Diagram for Controller
- Creating a Controller
- Methods and Actions
- Parameters(params)
- Controller Default methods
- Scaffolding
- Routing
- Restful Resources
- CRUD Verbs and Actions
- Filters(Before,After,Around)
- What is model
- Active record Basics
- Destroy a model
- Migrations
- Modify, update a model
- Dropping a database
- Association, Validation and callbacks
- Why Association
- Without and with Association
- Types of Association
- Active Record validations
- Callbacks & types of callbacks
- Embedded Ruby
- Working in HAML
- Working with Ajax, Jquery in Rails framework