About Full Stack Web Development Course
Full Stack Web Development is nothing but complete designing of both websites and applications where the developers need to work from frontend to backend development. With our Full Stack Web Development Course, you will become an expert in all the aspects of web development such as Java, .NET, MEAN Stack and Python. In Frontend you are able to learn – HTML, HMTL5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript and jQuery whereas in Backend – Node.js, Meteor.js, Angular 2,4&5, PHP and Ruby on Rails and finally in Database – MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, CouchDB and Apache Cassandra.
Course Objectives:
- To Learn the core concepts of both the frontend and backend programming course
- To Get familiar with the latest web development technologies
- To Learn all about SQL and NoSQL databases
- To Learn complete web development process
- Basic Knowledge of Programming is enough
Who should go for this course:
- students who are interesting to become the Full Stack Web Developers
- Frontend Developers
- Backend Developers
Full Stack Web Development Course Content
- UI Developer roles and responsibilities
- UX designer roles
- Technologies needed
- Power of UI
- Current market requirements on UI
- Basic Technologies needed
- Difference between Front end and Backend
- Sample web pages
- Crawling and Meta tags
Basics – HTML
- Exploring existing pages
- Browsers & Editors
- Structure of HTML Page
- Mandatory tags in html page (html, head, body)
- Heading tags (H1…H6), Tags and attributes (Class, Id, style…etc.)
- Inline and block level elements
- What is CSS
- Different ways of applying CSS for elements, and priority chain of CSS
- CSS Properties (color, font, size, border…etc.)
- Box model, Margin & Padding
- Positioning Elements, Floating Elements
More HTML Tags
- Including external page links in a page using anchor tags and its properties
- Working with row & column data using table tags
- Hiding and un-hiding elements using display property
- img tag, p tag, ul &ol tags, li, nobr, hr, bretc
- Layouts, forms, buttons
- Input fields (textbox, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text area etc.)
- Debugging HTML & CSS (Firebug, IE and Chrome developer tool)
- Creating Tabs and menu lists
More CSS Properties
- Adding borders, font, Pseudo classes & Pseudo Elements
- positioning elements (absolute, relative, fixed & static)
- Image spiriting
- Box model (margins, padding)
- Floating elements (float left, right etc.)
- Including external resources
- Absolute and Relative paths
- Including external resources like CSS, images etc.
- Display Property(inline, block, inline block etc)
- Display none and hidden elements.
Form Elements
- Get & Post Communication
- Validating input values in a form.
- Form action and type
- Data types and data structures in Js
- Control structures, if, if-else, while, for, switch case statements
- Hosting & type casting
JavaScript Supported Data Structures
- Arrays and Predefined methods.
- Working on logical programs using Arrays.
- Predefined methods in arrays
- Strings and predefined methods
- Objects
- Iterating through Dynamic JSON Object.
- Exploring Predefined Date object.
Advanced JavaScript
- Inheriting Static Object using proto.
- Inheritance using Object.create()
- Java Script Classes
- Prototyping
- Inheritance using prototyping.
- Global and local variables
- Securing Data using Closures
- Exception Handling
- Handling Predefined and user defined exceptions
- Exploring try, catch, finally and throws.
- History and version explore
- Difference between Minified and non-minified JS files.
- On load and on ready difference
- jQuery selectors
- Multiple ways of referring DOM elements using jQuery selectors
- jQuery methods
- Adding dynamic properties for DOM elements
- Toggling elements
- Creating dynamic elements using jQuery
jQuery Traversing methods
- Traversing Siblings, Children’s & Parent Elements.
- Traversing Ancestors.
- Finding elements using jQuery techniques
- Filtering elements
Events using jQuery
- Binding events, Dynamic binding
- List of events been supported in jQuery (blur, change, click, dbclick….etc.)s
- Advantages with AJAX and its limitations
- Samples working with AJAX
- Different data formats used in AJAX (string, xml, JSON, etc.)
- XML and JSON difference
- Cross domain interactions using JSONP
- jQuery Promises with multiple conditions
- Handling Multiple AJAX Calls using jQuery Promises.
jQuery Animations
- Animation Effects using
- Hide, Show
- Sliding up and down, Fading, Animate Method.
jQuery Templating
- Loading DOM dynamically using jQuery templates
- loading templates using AJAX
- Difference between HTML5 and HTML 4
- List of Browsers support HTML5
- Doc type & Semantic Tags
- Multithreading Using Web Workers.
- Media Support (audio and video tags)
- Graphics using Canvas tag and SVG Tags.
- Drag and Drop features
- Offline Application using Application Cache
- Exploring Navigator Object
- Working on locations lat and lng using Geolocation
- Storing user preferences using Local storage & Session Storage
- Difference between CSS 2 and CSS 3
- Adding borders and backgrounds
- Advanced text effects(shadow)
- 2D and 3D Transformations
- Adding Transitions to elements
- Adding animations to text and elements
Responsive Design
- Difference between multiple devices, making a page to work on multiple devices
- Media queries
- Introduction to Bootstrap CSS API
Bootstrap-4 along with components
- Basic-Typography
- Text-Alignments, Floats-Positions
- Colors-Backgrounds, Margins-Paddings
- Sizings, Breakpoints, Buttons, Navbars
- List-Groups,Forms, Input-Groups
- Alerts-Progress
- Tables, Cards, Carousel, Collapse, Modal
- Grid-System, Grid-Alignments,FlexBoxes
ECMA 6 (Latest JavaScript)
- Const and let keywords
- Arrow functions, advantages
- Extended parameter handling, default parameters
- Template literals
- Enhanced object parameters
- Creating direct classes, inheritance
- Implementing promises
- new data structures sets and maps
- New string built-in methods
- Using iterators
- Introduction to Server-Side Scripting
- Node JS Features and Drawbacks
- Setup Environment for Node.js
- Node JS Program architecture
- Node JS Web Server
- Node JS Global Objects
- Node JS OS Objects
- Node JS Error Handling
- Node JS Event Loop
- Node JS File System
- Async and Sync
- Connecting with Database
- Handling CRUD Operations
- Express
- Routing in Express
- Response Methods in Express
- Serving Static Files
- Express JSON Parser
- Express CORS
- Creating Web API
Express JS
- Exploring Express module
- Setting up express environment
- Creating http server using express
Express Sessions
Data Communication
- Sending and receiving Post & GET Data
- Reading data from GET/POST requests
- Creating templates using PUG/JADE
- Generating Dynamic html pages from server
- Responding a template for a client request
File System
- Exploring File system, Reading and writing to files
REST API &WebServices
- Introduction to REST API
- REST Architecture
- Creating and handling multiple clusters in Node js
DB Connection
- Connecting to Mongo DB&Connecting to SQL
WebService with DB interactions
- Creating web services which communicate with Database
- Introduction to MongoDB
- Configuring Server and Client
- MongoDB Compass
- Creating Database
- MongoDB Commands
- MongoDB CRUD Operations