Cassandra Training Overview
Apache Cassandra is an open source second-generation distributed database released by Facebook. The write-optimized and shared-nothing architecture results in excellent performance and scalability. The master class ring design of Apache Cassandra makes it elegant, easy setup and maintenance. Cassandra used to provide a simple solution for complex problems like Metrics and Logging. Cassandra is the small footprint of Major or Primary Database so easy to learn. Cassandra used to handles a large amount of data and operate massive data. This Cassandra Training will provide you extensive knowledge of Cassandra concepts, high-scalable data models and the Cassandra architecture which will enable you to build applications for big data.
Objectives of the Course
- Creating Sample Application in Cassandra
- Configuring, Reading and Writing Data in Cassandra
- Integrating Cassandra with Hadoop
- Cassandra Data Model
- Cassandra Environment
- Understanding Cassandra Architecture
Who should do the course
- Professionals looking for a career in Cassandra
- Project Managers
- IT Developers
- Testing professionals
- Graduates looking to upgrade their skills to Cassandra Databases
- Analyst/Researcher
Cassandra Course Content
What is Big Data
- Technology Landscape
- Big Data Relevance
- Distributed Systems and Challenges
Why NoSQL Databases
- Relational DB vs. NoSQL
- Type of NoSQL Databases
- NoSQL Landscape
- CAP Theorem and Eventual Consistency
- Key Characteristics of NoSQL Database systems
Cassandra Fundamentals
- Distributed and Decentralized
- Elastic Scalability
- High Availability and Fault Tolerance
- Tuneable Consistency
- Row-Oriented
- Schema-Free
- High Performance
The Cassandra Data Model
- The Relational Data Model
- A Simple Introduction
- Clusters
- Keyspaces
- Hands-on Session
Installation and Setup of Cassandra
- Single Node Setup
- Multi-Node Cluster Setup
- Key Configurations for Cassandra
- CLI and Hands-On with Cassandra
Cassandra Modeling
- Cassandra (Column Family NoSQL DB)
- Key Concepts – Key Space – Column Family – Column Family Options – Wide Rows, Skinny Row – Column Sorting – Super Columns – Counter Column Family – Composite Keys and Columns – Time To Live –
- Secondary Indexes in Cassandra
- Difference between Custom Indexes and Secondary Indexes
- Difference between Relational Modeling and Cassandra Modeling
- Key Points to note while modeling a Cassandra Database
- Patterns and Anit-Patterns in Cassandra Modeling
Cassandra Architecture & Intro to CQL
- Anatomy of Reading operation in Cassandra
- Anatomy of the Write operation in Cassandra
- How is Deletes handled in Cassandra
- System Keyspace
- Peer to Peer Model Logical Data Model: Keyspace, Column Family/Table, Rows, Columns
- Traditional Ring design vs. VNodes
- Partitioners: Murmer3, Random (md5) and ByteOrdered
- Gossip and Failure Detection
- Anti-Entropy and Read Repair
- Memtables, SSTables and Commit Log
- Compaction fundamentals to reduce SSTable data files
- Hinted Handoff
- Compaction
- Bloom Filters, Tombstones
- Managers and Services
- VNodes
- Indexes and Caches
- Coordinator node
- Seed nodes
- Write/Read consistency levels: Any, One, Two, Three, Quorum
- Snitches: Dynamic snitching, Simple Snitch, Rack Inferring Snitch, Property File Snitch, Gossiping Property File Snitch
- Routing Client requests
- Nodetool commands: gossipinfo, cfstats, describing
- YAML file fundamentals
- Operations management web GUI
- Stress testing Cassandra
- CQL command fundamentals
Cassandra API
- Key concepts for Reading and Write in Cassandra
- Tunable Consistency
- Simple Get, Multi-get Slice
- Range and Slice
- Slice Predicate
- Delete
- Hands-on CLI commands
Cassandra CQSHL
- SQL over Cassandra
- Composite Keys
- Hands-on examples on CQL 3.0
Cassandra Clients
- How to establish Client Connections
- Thrift Client
- Connection Pooling
- Auto-discovery and Failover in Hector
- Client with CQL
Cassandra Monitoring and Administration
- Tuning Cassandra
- Backup and Recovery methods
- Balancing
- Bootstrapping
- Node Tools Commands
- Upgrades
- Monitoring critical metrics
- Bulk Loading Data to Cassandra
- Bulk Export of Data from Cassandra
- Hands-on Examples for each of them
Cassandra Analytics Cluster
- Cassandra Hadoop Integration
Cassandra Search Cluster
- Integration of Solr with Cassandra
- Search Query on Cassandra