Core Java Online Training Course Overview
Duration : 40 Hrs
Introduction to computer languages?
Need of computer languages?
Java V/S other languages
Platform dependency?
Introduction to Java?
History of Java
JDK includes
Versions and Certifications
Platform Independency?
Structure of Java-application?
Contexts of Java application
Introduction to Variable, Blocks and Methods?
- Introduction to variables and identifiers
- Type of variables
- Memory construction and destruction of variables
- Rules to create variables
- Naming conventions of variables
- Blocks introduction
- Methods introduction.
- Primitive types
- Introduction
- Memory occupancy
- Ranges
- Errors(compile time and runtime)
- Primitive type casting(implicit and explicit)
- Reference types
First java application?
- Class keyword and its naming convention
- Class naming convention
- Why main has public access
- Why main has static modifier
- Why return type is void
- out.println() description
- Naming convention of methods and packages.
- Overloading main method
- Assignment operator
- Arithmetic operators
- Conditional operator
- Increment/Decrement operators
- Relational operators
- Logical operators
- Bitwise operators
- Shift operators
- Compound assignment operators
Control Statements
- Conditional control statements
- If
- If-else
- If-else-if
- Nested if
- switch
- Loop control statements
- While
- Do-while
- For loop
- Nested loops
- Branching statements
- break;
- continue
- return
- exit
- Need of functions.
- Types of functions
- Pre-defined
- User-defined
- Classification of functions
- No args-no return values function
- With args-no return values function
- With args-with return values function
- No args with return values function
- Recursive function.
Class members in java
- Static members(class level)
- Static block
- Static variables
- Static methods
- Main method
- Memory allocation using JVM architecture
- Accessing Static members in multiple classes
- Class loader usage
- Non-static members(object level)
- Non-static block
- Non-static variables
- Non-static methods
- Constructor
- Introduction to “this” keyword.
- Memory allocation using JVM architecture
- Accessing Non-static members from multiple classes
Wrapper classes
- Introduction
- Why wrapping
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Auto Boxing and Auto Unboxing
- Primitive to String conversion (using valueOf()and toString() methods)
- String to Primitive conversion (using valueOf() and xxxValue() methods)
- Introduction
- How to create user defined package
- Calling members of same package
- Calling members of another package
- Need of import statement
- Need of fully qualified name
- Difference between import and include
- Creating Sub packages
- Importing sub packages
- Access specifiers introduction
- public
- private
- protected
- <package> or <default>
- Usage of access specifiers in packages
Command line arguments
- Introduction
- Advantage and disadvantages
- parseXxx methods
- Scanner class
- Random class
- Introduction to OOPS
- Introduction to class, object
- Encapsulation, Abstraction
- Inheritance
- ‘this’ keyword
- Initialization of object using “this”
- Accessing variable using “this”
- Invoking constructor using “this()”
- Constructor chaining
- “this” as parameter to a function
- Returning “this” to a function
- Calling instance members from non-static context
- ‘super’ keyword
- Initialization of super class object
- Constructor chaining in hierarchy
- Instantiation of abstract class
- Accessing super class variable using “super”
- Invoking super class constructor using “super()”
- Types of inheritance
- Single(simple) inheritance
- Multi level inheritance
- Hierarchal inheritance
- Applying Modifiers and Access specifiers in inheritance
- Object casting
- Implicit & Explicit up casting
- Implicit & Explicit down casting
- Data hiding (static and non-static)
- Introduction to dynamic polymorphism
- Object casting
- final keyword
- if class is final
- if method is final
- if variable is final
- if abstract class is final
- if interface is final
- Polymorphism
- Static polymorphism(method over loading)
- Runtime polymorphism(method overriding)
- Abstract classes
- Introduction to Abstraction
- Use of Abstraction
- Instantiation of abstract class
- Illegal combination of modifiers
- Initialization of abstract class object
- Super-Sub construction chaining
- Runtime polymorphism in abstraction
- Interfaces
- Introduction to interfaces
- Use of interfaces
- Extending interfaces
- Implementing interfaces
- Multiple inheritance in java
- Aggregation
- Association
- Composition
- Singleton class
- Factory class.
Exception handling
- Introduction
- Why exceptions
- Exceptions API
- Checked exceptions
- Un checked exceptions
- Try, catch, throw, throws, finally
- Nested try blocks
- Multiple catch blocks
- Cautions while handling exceptions
- Handling checked and unchecked exceptions
- Throwing pre-defined exception class object explicitly
- User defined exceptions
- Throwing user-defined exception objects.
- Finally block usage.
Multi threading
- Introduction to multi tasking and multi threading
- Drawbacks in multi tasking
- Creation of Thread
- Life cycle of Thread
- Threads Using Thread class
- Threads Using Runnable interfaces
- Constructors of Thread class.
- Time management in multi tasking and multi threading
- Priorities of threads.
- Naming to threads via constructors or via setters.
- Synchronization
- sleep(),join(), wait(), notify(), notifyAll(),
Garbage collection
- Introduction GC
- Introduction to daemon threads
- Drawbacks of
- finalize()
- gc()
- gc()
- exec();
- JVM memory increment
- Process class.
Io streams
- Byte streams
- Character streams
- Object streams (Serialization)
- Buffered streams
- Working with files
- Creating a file
- Creating a directory
- Creating path
- Deleting file or directory
- Hiding file
- Setting read, write and execute permissions to files
Reflection API
Inner classes
- Static inner classes
- Non-static inner classes
- Local inner classes
- Anonymous inner classes
- Introduction to Strings
- Creating objects to String
- String library functions
- Mutable objects
- Immutable objects
- String/StringBuffer/StringReader
- Creating Immutable class
- Introduction to collections
- Introduction to generics
- Difference between arrays and Collections
- Collection interfaces
- List Interface
- ArrayList
- Vector
- LinkedList
- Set Interface
- HashSet
- Introduction to Hashtable
- Load factor influence
- LinkedHashSet
- TreeSet
- Map Interface
- HashMap
- LinkedHashMap
- TreeMap
- Queue Interface
- LinkedList
- PriorityQueue
- Time management over collection classes
- Memory management over collection classes
- Deleting duplicate objects from collections
- equals() method
- Iterator class
- Enumeration class
- for-each loop
- influence of generics in collections
JDK 8 features
- Functional interfaces
- Lambda expressions
- Default methods in interface
- Static methods in interface
- ForEach() method in Iterable interface
- Stream API
- Method references
- Collectors class
- Optional class
AWT, Applets and Swings
- Introduction to AWT
- AWT library classes and interfaces
- Introduction to Applets
- Creating Applets
- Applet Life cycle
- Drawing shapes and colors in Applets
- Creating components
- LayoutManagement
- Flow layout
- Grid layout
- Box layout
- Border layout
- Event Listeners
- ActionListeners
- TextListeners
- MouseListeners
- MouseMotionListeners
- FocusListeners
- Calculator program
- Introduction to swings
- Swings API
- Light weight components(independent)
- Heavy weight components(native or dependant)
- Components creation
- Menu creation
- Sub menu creation
- Setting Listeners to components